Nowadays testimonials seem like more sales text.  You read the results and think “yeah, right.” However to build yourself as an expert online you must focus on collecting and using testimonials on your sites because they increase your credibility in the eyes of your potential clients.  So how do you get great testimonials? How to…

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All roads lead to Rome.  From little dirt trails to major highways.  And Rome is what you want to be.  If you build roads, they will come…but if you know how to get backlinks. What’s a backlink? If you have a website or a blog, you probably know what a backlink is.  If not, in…

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It’s super easy to create a Facebook Page using your Facebook Account.  This page can be used to promote a business, club, product, service, person…anything you can think of.  Anyone can do it under 5 minutes.  If you have not yet created one you can do so by logging into your Facebook account and then…

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Facebook pages are getting important…very important.  They are not only excellent ways to promote your brand, but they can be used to gather statistics, email addresses, give away e-books and other gifts to your fans, direct people to your other websites, and much more. The best thing about Facebook business and personal pages, though, is…

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Teleseminars and Webinars seem to be all the rage right now.  Why?  Because it is a cheap effective way for people to find out more about you and a great way for you to create info products. First of all, what is the difference? A webinar is a web conference where each participant sits at…

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Teeny tiny URL’s.  We’ve all seen them, and many of us use them.  Originally people started to use URL shortening services because they just got far to long and cumbersome to use for ordinary purposes.  Now that the internet has developed to the extent it has, not to mention the massive expansion of social media,…

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Have you ever Googled yourself?  If not, try it.  You’d be surprised at what you find.  Search engines are everything these days.  Google, Yahoo or Bing – we all have our preferences and we all use them…A LOT. Not one day goes by (and hasn’t for almost a decade) when I didn’t search for something…

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Building up your brand has never been easier on a grassroots level with all the amazing free tools online. There are many out there and I have been victim to the mad overwhelm of trying to figure out which ones I actually need and how to use them.  Here are the ones I think you…

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